Get a Streak Free Shine: 8 Home Mirror Maintenance Tips

How to Clean Mirrors?
Did you know that small kids learn to recognize themselves in the mirror after 2 years of age? Some animals such as elephants, chimpanzees, and orangutans also pass the mirror test, showing self-recognizing behaviors at different stages of life.
Obviously, to be able to recognize yourself in a mirror also means that its surface is clean enough. Unfortunately, mirrors tend to be quite sensitive and they require a delicate cleaning strategy. If you have a lot of mirrors in your house, you might need to learn how to clean mirrors properly so you can expand their lifetime.
Many homeowners complain that cleaning mirrors leave streaks behind, but this article will show you how to avoid that. Keep reading to find out what products to use when cleaning mirrors.
Top Tips On How To Clean Mirrors In 2019
Unlike glass or other types of materials, mirrors require a more delicate cleaning approach because they can be scratched easily. Here’s what you have to do to clean your mirrors correctly.
1. Use Alcohol Based Cleaners
Rubbing alcohol is one of the best cleaning products for mirrors. It doesn’t affect the surface of the mirror, it doesn’t interact with it or cause streaks or scratches. Make sure that you put some rubbing alcohol on a clean cotton pad. Now, gently wipe the mirror from top to bottom.
This cleaning process should be done at least twice a month or as often you think it’s necessary.
It’s also advisable to stay away from ammonia-based cleaners or cleaning products that contain strong chemicals. Again, mirrors can get damaged very easily, so strong cleaners can do more harm than good.
2. Use A Soft Cloth to Wipe Dust From Your Mirror
You shouldn't simply use any rag or towel you find to clean your mirrors. Some fabrics have an abrasive texture which tends to leave small scratches on the surface of the mirror, ruining it completely.
For cleaning purposes, you should use a soft and clean cloth. Make sure that this cloth doesn’t contain any dust or lint. Don’t apply too much pressure when cleaning dust from the surface of the mirror. People also use cotton pads for this purpose and you might want to do the same to protect your mirror.
3. Never Spray Cleaning Mixtures Directly on the Mirror
Remember that a mirror is not a window. So you shouldn’t just spray a cleaning product on its surface for cleaning purposes.
Doing this will leave marks on the mirror and cause small scratches. Instead, you should spray your cleaning agent on a clean and soft cloth and then gently wipe the mirror with it. This is valid for rubbing alcohol or any soft cleaner that doesn’t contain chemicals.
4. Use Microfiber Towels to Remove Dust
In some cases, you might not have any stains or ugly marks on your mirror, but just dust and dirt which accumulated with the passing of time. To remove this dust, you can also use a microfiber towel. Apply little pressure when wiping the surface of the mirror. Once the dust is removed, you can go ahead and use a soft cleaning product to make your mirror sparkle again.
5. Never Use Vinegar to Clean Mirrors
Vinegar is a popular solution used for different types of cleaning tasks. You can clean a lot of items in your house using vinegar, but when it comes to mirrors, just don’t do it. This substance is acidic in nature and can instantly damage the soft surface of your mirror, causing rough edges, streaks, and scratches.
At the same time, never use any other acidic solution such as lemon juice, alkali cleaning products or solutions containing abrasives. Some homeowners use steel wool to clean mirrors. But it is a recipe for disaster as this item can easily scratch the mirror.
6. Keep Your Mirror Dry All the Times
Wet mirrors tend to become damaged easily. If you have a mirror in your bathroom, you definitely see splashes of water on its surface. You probably don’t splash water intentionally, but when you wash your hands or take a shower, it’s impossible for water drops not to jump on the mirror’s surface.
If you see that your mirror is wet, make sure that you use a soft and clean tower to absorb this water. At the same time, make sure that your bathroom is well ventilated and any moisture is eliminated quickly from the room. A highly humid environment makes the mirror even more fragile and shortens its lifespan.
7. Use Paper Towels and Warm Water for Simple Stains
In some cases, your mirror might have small stains caused by toothpaste, soap remains, etc. This is usually an easy cleaning procedure and you don’t need anything else but paper towels and a cup of warm water to eliminate the stains.
Gently dip the paper towels in the warm water and apply little pressure when eliminating the stain from the surface of the mirror. In less than 5 minutes, the stains should be gone and the paper towel doesn’t cause damage to the mirror, so you’re all set!
8. Use Regular Cleaning Products for Mirror Frames
Some homeowners have framed mirrors and the frame material might be wood, vinyl or even metal. These materials are usually designed to take a lot of wear and tear. They’re not as fragile and sensitive as mirrors.
You can use basic cleaning products to make the mirror frame sparkle, but make sure that you don’t accidentally touch the surface of the mirror while cleaning the frame.
Learn More About Mirrors Today!
Now you know how to clean mirrors and you’re ready to prolong their lifespan and enjoy their beauty. If you want to add even more mirrors to your home, check out our impressive collection of mirrors on our website. Some of our mirrors are framed, some are round, but all of them will look absolutely stunning in your bathroom or living room!
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